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Posts by category
- Category: APPA Governance Committee-Minutes
- Category: 2020
- Category: 2021
- Category: 2022
- Category: 2023
- Category: 2024
- Category: APPA Mascot Resources
- Category: COVID-19 Repository
- Category: Forum Materials
- Category: Media Release
- Category: Resources
- Category: Terms of Reference
- Category: TWG Minutes
- Category: 2022
- Category: 2023
- Category: 2024
- APPA 62 Communiqué
- APPA 62 Jurisdiction and DBN Reports (updated 22 Nov)
- APPA 62 Forum Agenda (updated 22 Nov)
- APPA 62 Attendee Profiles (updated 22 Nov)
- APPA 62 Logo
- APPA 61 Minutes
- September
- August
- Test document
- 5-23 TWG minutes Annex B
- 5-23 TWG minutes
- 4-23 TWG minutes Annex C
- 4-23 TWG minutes Annex B
- 4-23 TWG minutes
- 3-23 TWG minutes Annex C
- 3-23 TWG minutes Annex B
- 3-23 TWG minutes
- 2-23 TWG minutes Annex F
- 2-23 TWG minutes Annex E
- 2-23 TWG minutes Annex D
- 2-23 TWG minutes Annex C
- 2-23 TWG minutes Annex B
- 2-23 TWG minutes
- 1-23 TWG minutes
- 3-22 TWG minutes Annex B
- 3-22 TWG minutes
- 1-22 TWG minutes
- 2-22 TWG minutes Annex B
- 2-22 TWG minutes
- APPA 60 - Action Items
- APPA 60th Minutes - 30 November and 1 December 2023
- APPA 61 Communique
- APPA 61 - Agenda
- Presentation: PCPD Hong Kong - Publication of the “Artificial Intelligence: Model Personal Data Protection Framework
- Presentation: PCPD Hong Kong-Investigation into the Worldcoin project
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner, Victoria, Australia
- Personal Data Protection Commission, Singapore
- Office of the Information Commissioner, Queensland, Australia
- The Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan
- National Privacy Commission, Philippines
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, British Columbia, Canada
- Office of the Northern Territory Information Commissioner, Northern Territory, Australia
- Information and Privacy Commission, New South Wales, Australia
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand
- National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection, Mexico
- Office of Personal Data Protection Commissioner Of Malaysia
- Personal data protection Bureau, Macao China
- Korea Personal Information Protection Commission, Korea
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Canada
- California Privacy Protection Agency, United States
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
- Communications Working Group Report
- Attendee Profiles
- 1-24 TWG minutes Annex B
- 1-24 TWG minutes
- 2-24 TWG minutes Annex B
- 2-24 TWG minutes
- BC legislature – APPA 61 virtual background
- Grizzly reflection and fall colours – APPA 61 virtual background
- Buchart Gardens – APPA 61 virtual background
- Victoria Inner Harbour – APPA 61 virtual background
- BC legislature – totem pole- APPA 61 virtual background
- Mountains – APPA 61 virtual background
- Orca – APPA 61 virtual background
- Vancouver – APPA 61 virtual background
- Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19
- Observer Profiles
- Technology Working Group (TWG) Presentation
- Technology Working Group (TWG) Report
- PDPC Singapore – Update on AI governance policies and initiatives
- PCPD Hong Kong Jurisdiction Report presentation
- Attendee Profiles
- APPA 60 Delegate Information Sheet
- APPA 60 Networking Dinner Information
- Sheraton Hotel Parking Instructions
- CIPL APPA Forum Side Event Agenda
- Presentation 1: Poupou Matatapu – Doing Privacy Well - Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand
- APPA 60 Agenda
- Future of APPA Forums – OIPC British Columbia paper
- Federal Trade Commission (United States) - Jurisdiction Report
- APPA 59 Minutes
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner - Data Breach Notification Update
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner - Jurisdiction Report
- Personal Data Protection Commission, Singapore - Breach Notification Update
- Information and Privacy Commission (New South Wales) - Jurisdiction Report
- Personal Data Protection Commission, Singapore - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Information Commissioner (Queensland, Australia) - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Information Commissioner (Northern Territories, Australia)
- National Privacy Commission, Philippines - Data Breach Notification Update
- National Privacy Commission, Philippines - Jurisdiction Report
- INAI Mexico - Jurisdiction Report
- Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao SAR, China - Jurisdiction Report
- Korea Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) and Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) - Data Breach Notification Update
- Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC), Japan - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, China (PCPD) - Data Breach Notification Update
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, China (PCPD) - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand - Data Breach Notification Update
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada - Data Breach Notification Update
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia - Data Breach Notification Update
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) - Data Breach Notification Update
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) - Jurisdiction Report
- Communications Working Group Report
- Governance Committee Report
- 8) Guide on EU SCCs and ASEAN MCCs -PDPC Singapore
- 6) Privacy Enhancing Technologies Sandbox - PDPC Singapore
- 3) Technology Working Group Report
- APPA 59 Agenda
- Action Items of the 58th APPA Forum
- APPA 58 Draft Minutes
- Attendee Profiles
- APPA 59 Final Communiqué
- May
- April
- March
- February
- INAI Mexico: Vulnerable groups and their right to the personal data protection.
- Governance Committee Report
- Communications Working Group Report
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
- Personal Data Protection Commission, Singapore
- Office of the Information Commissioner (Queensland, Australia)
- National Privacy Commission, Philippines
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand
- National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (Mexico)
- Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao SAR, China
- Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)
- Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC), Japan
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, China (PCPD)
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)
- January
- 58th APPA Forum - Final Communiqué
- 19) Explainability - Applying the principle of accountability
- 18) Collaborative Approaches for regulators and industry
- 18) Emerging Privacy Enhancing Technologies - OECD Report on the maturity, opportunities and challenges of PETS
- 17) Safeguarding children's online privacy - OECD Work on Children in the Digital Environment
- 15) Global Privacy Development Update
- Consolidated Jurisdiction Reports and Data Breach Notification Updates
- Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) Republic of Korea
- 9) PDPC Singapore - Enforcement Strategy to Control Unsolicited Marketing Messages
- 9) PCPD Hong Kong - Data Security Guidance
- 8) INAI Mexico - Jurisdiction Report
- 7) OIC Queensland - Jurisdiction Reports
- 6) PCPD Hong Kong - Jurisdiction Reports
- 6) OPDP Macao - Jurisdiction Reports
- 6) NPC Philippines - APPA 58 - Jurisdiction Report
- 4) PDPC Singapore - Jurisdiction Report- Singapore's Approach to Building Trustworthy AI
- 3b) Technology Working Group Report - PDPC Singapore
- 3a) OPDP - Macao - APPA 58 -Communications Working Group Report
- Action Item of the 57th APPA Forum
- APPA 57 Draft Minutes
- Governance Committee Report
- Communications Working Group Report
- APPA 58 Virtual background
- User guide for virtual participants
- APPA 58 Agenda
- Attendee Profiles
- National Authority of Data Protection of Peru
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
- United States Federal Trade Commission
- Office of the Information Commissioner (Queensland, Australia)
- National Privacy Commission, Philippines
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand
- National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (Mexico)
- Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao SAR, China
- Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)
- Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC), Japan
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, China (PCPD)
- Colombia - Superintendence of Industry and Commerce
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)
- August
- Final Communiqué
- 13) PPC Japan_ Facial Recognition Technology
- 12) INAI Mexico_ Ibero-American Network Update
- 12) INAI Mexico_ GPA Update
- 12) OPC Canada_ Presentation_ GPA DCCWG
- 11) PDPC Signapore_ Presentation_ BlockChain
- 11) OPC Canada_ Presentation_ Guidance on use of Facial Recognition Technology in police sector
- 7) PPC Japan_ Presentation_ Trusted cross-border transfer of personal data
- 7) PIPC Korea_ Presentation_ Co-Regulation Plans on Online Platforms
- 5b) PPC Japan
- 5b) OPC Canada
- 5a) PDPC Singapore
- 4b) INAI Mexico
- 4b) NPC Philippines
- 4a) OIC Queensland
- 4a) IPC NSW
- TWG - Singapore
- Attendee Profiles
- Consolidated Jurisdiction Reports
- October 2021 - Part II
- October 2020 - Part I
- APPA 56 - Action items
- APPA 56 - Draft minutes
- May
- March
- February
- January
- November
- September
- July
- May
- April
- January
- November
- October
- September
- June
- May
- April
- March
- January
- Consolidated-Data Breach Notification Updates
- Queensland
- NPC Philippines
- NT Australia
- PPC Japan
- Colombia
- APPA 57 Agenda
- OPC Canada
- Consolidated-Comparative Privacy Statistics Survey
- PDPC Singapore
- Queensland
- NPC Philippines
- New Zealand
- INAI - Survey 3
- INAI - Survey 2
- INAI - Survey 1
- Macao
- PIPC Korea
- PPC Japan
- PCPD Hong Kong
- Colombia
- OPC Canada
- CPSWG - New Zealand
- CWG - Macao
- Governance Committee Report
- PDPC Singapore
- Queensland
- NPC Philippines
- NT Australia
- New Zealand
- Macao
- PIPC Korea
- PPC Japan
- PCPD Hong Kong
- Colombia
- OPC Canada
- Consolidated Data Breach Notifications
- PDPC Singapore
- Queensland
- NPC Philippines
- NT Australia
- New Zealand
- KISA Korea
- PPC Japan
- PCPD Hong Kong
- Colombia
- Consolidated Enforcement Reports
- PDPC Singapore
- NPC Philippines
- New Zealand
- Macao
- PIPC Korea
- PPC Japan
- PCPD Hong Kong
- Colombia
- OPC Canada
- PowerPoint presentations
- Virtual backgrounds
- User Guide for Delegates and Presenters
- TWG Survey Report on Covid-19 Vaccine Passport - Verbatim Inputs
- APPA 55 Approved Minutes
- GPA COVID-19 Taskforce: Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19 Pt 2
- GPA COVID-19 Taskforce: Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19 Pt 1
- Introduction to the Personal Information Protection Law of China
- Introduction to the Personal Information Protection Law of China
- APPA 56 Communique
- OVIC Privacy Officer Toolkit - Slides for Circulation to APPA (Long Form)
- TWG Survey Report on Covid-19 Vaccine Passport
- Session 14- Pseudonymised data_PIPC Korea
- Session 14- Pseudonymised data_PIPC Korea
- Mexico INAI - Jurisdiction-Report
- OPC - Digital identity harms and contextual analysis
- KISA - Raising Public Awareness and Education Update
- OPC - Session 10_ IEWG_ DCCWG Updates
- Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales - Jurisdiction Report
- NPC Jurisdiction Report
- OVIC - Jurisdiction Report
- PDPC Singapore - Jurisdiction Report
- PIPC Korea
- New Zealand - Jurisdiction Report
- INAI- Jurisdiction Report
- Elections Advisory - NPC Philippines
- Telemedicine NPC Philippines
- PIPC Japan - Efforts for a smooth implementation of the 2021 Amendment of the APPI
- PCPD Hong Kong - PPT for AI Guidance
- OVIC -Privacy Officer Toolkit - Slides for APPA Presentation (Visuals)
- PDPC Hong Kong- PPT for doxxing
- Promotion of DFFT
- OPC Jurisdiction Report
- APPA 56_Breach Presentation_NPC Philippines
- CIPL - Organizational Accountability in Data Protection Enforcement – How Regulators Consider Accountability in their Enforcement Decisions
- Leveraging the Technological Approach - OPC Canada
- Attendees list
- Attendee profiles
- Consolidated Jurisdictional Reports
- Consolidated Enforcement Reports
- Consolidated Data Breach Notifications Report - Authority Systems
- APPA 56 - CWG Report
- APPA 55 draft minutes for approval at APPA 56
- NPC Philippines - Data Breach Notification (Lessons Learned)
- PDPC Singapore - Data Breach Notifications
- PDPC Singapore
- PCPD Hong Kong
- OPC Canada
- New Zealand
- Colombia
- PPC Japan
- PIPC Singapore
- PDPC Singapore
- PCPD Hong Kong
- OPC Canada
- New Zealand
- Macao
- PPC Japan
- Colombia
- APPA 56 Forum - Agenda
- Member Publications for APPA 56
- NPC Philippines - Data Breach Notifications
- OIPC BC - Jurisdiction Report
- PCPD HK - Jurisdiction Report
- PPC Japan - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner - Jurisdiction Report
- Colombia - Jurisdiction Report
- Macao - APPA 56 - Jurisdiction Report
- Governance Committee Report to 56th APPA Forum with Appendix
- MS Teams - User Guide for Delegates
- MS Teams - User Guide for Presenters
- BC legislature - APPA 56 virtual background
- Bear – APPA 56 virtual background
- Buchart Gardens - APPA 56 virtual background
- Victoria Inner Harbour – APPA 56 virtual background
- BC legislature - totem pole- APPA 56 virtual background
- Mountains – APPA 56 virtual background
- Orca - APPA 56 virtual background
- Vancouver - APPA 56 virtual background
- Overview of Singapore's National Digital Identity (NDI) programme
- PDPC’s AI Bot - Singapore
- Common types of data breaches in Singapore
- Technology Working Group Report
- PPC Japan - Jurisdiction report (presentation)
- PPC Japan - Efforts on data protection and privacy in the COVID-19 response
- PPC Japan - Promotion of data free flow with trust
- 55th APPA Communiqué - draft
- Update on facial recognition activities - OPC Canada
- NPC Philippines - Updates on NPC Issuances on COVID-19 related data privacy issues
- NPC Philippines: Kabataang Digital: The 3Ms of Being a Digital Youth
- Digital identity and the Philippine identification system
- NPC Philippines Jurisdiction Report - presentation
- Mexico INAI (Jurisdiction Report - PowerPoint)
- Consolidated Data Breach Notifications Lessons Learned
- Consolidated Enforcement Reports
- Consolidated Jurisdiction Reports
- APPA 54 meeting minutes
- Proposed Amendments to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance on Doxxing (Hong Kong)
- OPC - A Tool to Assess Real Risk of Significant Harm from Breaches
- Global Privacy Developments IEWG Update
- The Global Privacy Assembly’s Digital Citizens and Consumer Working Group
- OAIC - How to promote global interoperability in data protection
- OAIC- Global Privacy Developments
- OAIC Jurisdiction Update - Consumer Data Rights
- Raising Public Awareness & Education For Children’s Privacy - KISA
- Global Personal Information Protection Index and Global Personal Information Safe Utilization Index - KISA
- Biometrics in New Zealand
- APPA 55 Agenda
- OPC Canada - Data Breach Notifications
- PCPD Hong Kong - Data Breach Notifications
- OVIC Australia - Data Breach Notifications
- OPC New Zealand - Data Breach Notifications
- OIPC British Columbia - Data Breach Notifications
- OAIC Australia - Data Breach Notifications
- NPC Philippines - Data Breach Notifications
- PPC Japan - Data Breach Notifications
- INAI Mexico - Data Breach Notifications
- SIC - Enforcement Reports
- PIPC Korea - Enforcement Reports
- PCPD Hong Kong - Enforcement Reports
- OVIC Australia - Enforcement Reports
- OPC New Zealand - Enforcement Reports
- OIPC British Columbia - Enforcement Report
- OAIC Australia - Enforcement Reports
- NPC Philippines - Enforcement Reports
- Macao - Enforcement Reports
- INAI Mexico - Enforcement Reports
- FTC Enforcement Reports
- PPC Japan - Enforcement Reports
- 55th APPA Forum overview: attendees and agenda
- Attendee profiles
- Personal Information Protection Commission, Korea
- SIC Colombia - Jurisdiction Report
- Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) - Jurisdiction Report
- OPC Canada
- OIPC British Columbia
- OAIC Australia - Jurisdiction Report
- National Privacy Commission, Philippines - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand - Jurisdiction Report
- Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao SAR, China - Jurisdiction Report
- INAI Mexico - Jurisdiction Report
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, China - Jurisdiction Report
- FTC - Jurisdiction Report
- Comparative Statistics Working Group Report
- Communications Working Group Report
- APPA 55 PowerPoint template
- APPA TWG - Checklist of good data protection practices for COVID-19 management
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia COVID-19 related resources
- DPO_Pearl_front
- DPO_Pearl_back
- APPA Mascot Request Form
- General Guidelines on the usage of APPA Mascot
- NPC Philippines: Contact tracing efforts
- APPA 54 Attendee Profiles
- APPA 54 - Presenter Guide
- APPA 54 Delegate Guide
- APPA 54 Agenda
- PIPC Korea: Ban on collection of facial images from thermal cameras
- PIPC Korea: Ban on collection of facial images from thermal cameras
- PCPD Hong Kong: Future of remote work and learning: Privacy and cybersecurity challenges with remote working
- PCPD Hong Kong: Reflections and lessons from the response to COVID-19: Contact tracing efforts
- PCPD Hong Kong - Weaponisation of personal information
- Japan: Establishing international frameworks of trusted and free personal data flows
- Japan: Cautions on personal information leakage while working remotely
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner: Privacy law reform in Australia
- OAIC Australia: Reflections and lessons from COVID-19
- OAIC Australia: Cultural Attitudes to Privacy
- APPA54_Session-6_PIPC-Korea.
- APPA54_Session 6_PIPC Korea
- FTC United States: Protecting Children’ Privacy During the Age of Remote Learning
- IPC New South Wales: Developments in Artificial Intelligence – NSW Government AI Strategy
- OPC Canada: Data Breach Notification
- OPC Canada: Recommendations for regulating artificial intelligence
- APPA Tech Working Group: COVID Good Practices
- OPC Canada: Facial Recognition Technology
- OPC Canada: Enforcement Cooperation Handbook (Presentation)
- PDPC Singapore - PDPA Amendments
- Members' Publications for APPA 54
- Enforcement Reports
- Breach Notification Systems and Processes
- Breach Notification Systems and Practices
- Data Breach Notification Lessons Learned
- Jurisdiction Reports
- Working Group Report
- APPA 53 - Draft Minutes
- Governance Committee Report to 54th APPA Forum
- APPA COVID Webinar - Agenda
- Session 3 - Derek Ho Mastercard
- Session 3- Laura Gardner Microsoft
- Session 2 - Kate Goodloe BSA
- Session 2-1 Commissioner Liboro NPC Philippines
- Session 1-11 Thailand
- Session 1-8 New Zealand
- Session 1-6 PCPD Hong Kong
- Session 1-4 IPC NSW
- Session 1-2 NPC Philippines
- Session 1-1 PDPC Singapore
- APPA 53 Communique
- Agenda Item 5 - Jurisdiction Reports
- Terms of Reference
- 53rd APPA Forum feedback form
- Agenda Item 15 - OAIC slides
- Agenda Item 15 - ASEAN Updates
- Agenda Item 14 - Data Protection and Privacy as Public Policy (Colombia)
- Agenda Item 11 - Privacy and COVID-19: New Zealand's response
- Agenda Item 9 Biometrics and Data Protection - New Zealand update
- Agenda Item 15.8 - Japan Review of OECD Guidelines
- Agenda Item 15.8 - Review of OECD Privacy Guidelines
- Agenda Item 15.7 - Global Privacy Developments (ASEAN Digital Data Governance Framework)
- Agenda Item 15.1-15.2 - Global Privacy Assembly Strategic Direction
- Agenda Item 14.3 - Convergence of data protection and privacy regimes (Colombia)
- Agenda Item 14.2 - PPC Japan’s Initiatives for Trusted Cross border Flow of Personal Data
- Agenda Item 14.1- PIPC Future plans to strengthen cooperation (Republic of Korea)
- Agenda Item 13.3 - Appropriate Regulations for AI & Privacy Implications (Colombia)
- Agenda Item 13.1 - Singapore's Human-Centered Approach to AI Governance_SG PDPC
- Agenda Item 11.2- Australia's response to COVID-19
- Agenda Item 10.5 - (Japan) Personal Information Protection Commission’s view on effective use of contact tracing app to help deal with coronavirus
- Agenda Item 10.3 - NPC Philippines - APPA 53- COVID-19 Presentation
- Agenda Item 10.2 - Personal Data Protection Issues arising from COVID 19 in Hong Kong
- Agenda Item 10.1 - Singapore update: Personal Data Protection in Managing COVID 19
- Agenda Item 9.2 - Good practice in using biometric technology (Singapore)
- Agenda Item 9.1 - Biometrics and Data Protection - PDPC Biometrics Guide (Singapore)
- Agenda Item 7.2 - Data Breach Notifications (Singapore)
- Agenda Item 7.1 - Security Incident Notification Scheme PowerPoint (Victorian Commissioner)
- Agenda Item 6.6 - Privacy Management Framework (Victorian Information Commissioner)
- Agenda Item 6.5 - NPC Philippines - DPO COMPLex
- Agenda item 5.6 Review of Hong Kong’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
- Agenda Item 5.3- Privacy law reform in Australia
- Agenda item 5.2 PPC Law Reform (Japan)
- Agenda Item 3.2 - TWG Biometrics Survey 2020 - Compiled Responses
- Agenda 3.2 TWG Report on Biometrics Survey
- Agenda item 3.1 Communications Working Group (CWG) Report
- Members Time Zones for APPA 53 Virtual Meeting
- APPA 53 Forum Agenda
- Agenda item 3.3 - Comparative Statistics Working Group
- APPA User Guide
- APPA 53 Attendee profiles
- APPA 52 draft minutes
- Report on breach notification authority systems and processes
- Agenda item 7 - Data breach notifications - lessons learned
- Agenda item 5 - Jurisdiction reports
- Agenda Item 4 - Enforcement Reports
- Comparative Statistics Working Group Report
- APPA Governance Committee report to 53rd APPA Forum
- APPA 53 Forum Agenda
- Report on Breach Notification Authority Systems and Processes April 2020
- Secretariat Duties
Document Categories
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